Monday, October 6, 2014

The JFK Assassination EXPOSED TRAILER with link to full video


Jan 20th UPDATE Just finished the last round of edits to the audio and will be sending the files to the DVD manufacture this week. You will enjoy it.
Oh yeah and to the little shill/family members who I leave their idiotic comments for you to see that I'm making them cry....BITE ME. The JFK Assassination EXPOSED For your pre release DISCOUNTED copy.
Scheduled release Nov 22nd If you find the information you just viewed helpful, please consider donating so we can continue investigating and holding these actors feet to the fire. You can do so at this link

Russia Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 Was An Inside Job

As tensions between the U.S. and Russia remain at an all time high comparable to that of the Cold War, it seems that strong-armed Putin has had just about enough of Obama’s petty nuisances. Several analysts have recently speculated that to put Obama in his place once and for all, Putin was set to release evidence (i.e. satellite imagery) in his position that revealed the 9/11 terror attacks as an inside job.

These so called “inside jobs” are better known as false-flag attacks in which they were specifically and strategically designed so as to deceive the public into thinking something that isn’t true. In other words, U.S. officials would plan and execute an attack on America and its people that would look as though a certain enemy entity had carried out the atrocity.
This is only the case when America has proven interests in the homeland of the attributed group. As many have explained before, from both sides of the aisle, the United States had a heavy oil interest and is thought to have been the motive for the alleged false flag attacks.
Several documented cases have been exposed showing that this would be nothing new in the military realm of America in the pursuit of selfish interest. That being the case, it appears as though the rest of the world is growing tired of the impact America is having as it carries out its agenda.
In an effort to expose the government for what it is doing – killing Americans in an effort to invade elsewhere, and then killing nationals wherever they go – some have threatened to leak military details exposing America’s atrocities. The most recent of speculation has fallen upon Putin as he is said to have certain satellite images that prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that 

America was complicit in a false flag attack.

Supposedly demonstrating that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by American officials – well, you could imagine the repercussions. All faith and trust in government would disintegrate, riots would break out in the streets and perhaps a civil uprising would commence.

That being said, imagine what America would look like upon the world stage. An easy target for Muslim extremists or maybe a takeover by a foreign competing superpower? Although these scenarios may be a stretch, you could see how other forces could easily take advantage of such a situation.

What do you guys think – could Putin have such evidence in his possession? Could this be why Obama has gone so soft on Putin throughout the past month – perhaps he was blackmailed? Let us know what you think of this in a comment below.
                                             James Fetzer w/ guest Ed Chiarini

Oprah and her mother BUSTED playing a Ferguson Resident.

The footage you see on Oprah and her thought to be mother are in fact not current and were shot long ago. The woman with her is Maya Angelou. Not Oprah's mother even though Oprah calls her her mother since she was 20 years old. But the point to realize is they are using footage that has been shot and in the can for a long time. Since we see Norman Lear in the images we can assume that footage (the one with Whoopi and her family in it) are going to be old footage as well. They are mixing the old footage with new footage that Prison Planet, with the help of BAM from MTV's jackass posing as the person named Joe Biggs, is seen in. This is again proof that these events the mainstream media conglomerates are showing us are simply staged so they can profit from our reactions.

This is the third and final portion of the investigation into the DHS funded and Norman Lear (AKA Benjamin Kaplan) scripted hoax known as the Michael Brown Shooting.

Lear is not only the creator of this event, but is the originator of HOAX events that go back to the Nuremberg trials where he using his real name, Benjamin Kaplan, was a trial lawyer. His family has plagued this and many other nations for generations, and more than likely extend back through history to ancient times as being the root problem of that particular time.

Individuals who are board members for his Non Profit (which we will deal with in a later video) are present at the occupied events, meaning they are most likely just another Lear production as well. to support our work. for the updates to this event.

Living In a Limited Dimension

Victor Victory Be Love

Enjoy Victor Victory Music Videos  ' Be Love' Amazing videos talking about the world we are living right now full subliminal messages , plus about the history of King Solomon , traveling in the Astral world , Passing Through Dimensional  pathways , I love when Music artist do something new and different showing Real art  , Some people see this like strange videos , cause they used to see the same kind of videos but if they focus about the message , the truth will come out .

This Blog like to post things about reality , about what is going on  in the world , Real art,  just focus in Revolution and We Not like Mainstream Actors Faking News and Event happening in the world , if you focus they are the same people over and over Just Take A Look ...

So Enjoy !

Available now!

Music video by Victor Victory performing Be Love (Astral Solomon Dreamy). 
(c) 2013 Epic
Music video by Victor Victory performing Be Love (Mara Reloaded). © 2013 Epic
Be Love'

New Music Album ' Pop My World "

New Never Before Seen Footage Of 9/11 Will Give You Chills

Did the South tower have identical explosions at the same floors as the North Tower?

North Tower Example
"A jet fuel fireball erupted upon impact, and shot down at least one bank of elevators. The fireball exploded onto numerous lower floors, including the 77th, 50th, 22nd, West Street lobby level, and the B4 level, four stories below ground."
The Other Side of the National September 11 Memorial Museum

National September 11 Memorial Museum labeled a large piece of fuselage as "Flight 11"!, however has not a single bit of AA colors on it and yet it still labeled Flight 11. In the past fuselage traveled state to state, county to county as "flight 175" and "Flight 11"

6:01 Israeli van witness
7:07 "that's because its an inside job"
10:07 Tyrone Demolition convenient boxes of demo evidence

9/11 Drone Plane Parts Investigation FOIA Release of 3,160 Electronic Records Part 1

9/11 Plane Parts Investigation File name: roll_13_16.jpg FOIA Release of 3,160 Electronic Records

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Humans Vs Reptilians - The Final Battle For Earth [No Fiction]

It's us Vs them.

This is not a fictional work! This video shows reality for what it is. Our reality. What happens outside of your window at this present moment on this very planet. Right NOW!
We are being infiltrated. We are being taken over by a collective of interdimensional entities, mainly reptilians. It's a slow-motion invasion over many centuries. And we are in the final stage of this invasion.
If you are alive at this present moment you are part of the most important generation in human history regarding human destiny.

It's all or nothing, the reptilians want to annihilate humanity and colonize earth with their own reptilian/grey hybrid.
You HAVE to fight! Not with weapons (for now - but store ammo for later) but you must engage in the information war. Our great advantage at this point is that we greatly outnumber the enemy. The only reason why they are able to manipulate and consequently control us is because the majority of humans is not informed about their presence.

There is one power greater than all nuclear bombs, and that is the WILL of the people! Once people find out that reptilians are running the show it's OVER for them and they will have to retreat.

Inform as many people as possible. If you don't want to tell your relatives or close friends that reptilians are running the show - i understand that, but do it at least anonymously in the internet or on the street.

Don't just visit conspiracy forums, people there already know. Visit mainstream forums, about gardening, cars, antique furniture, fishing, sports, and so on. All forums have 'off-topic' sections. We must inform everyone.
Go to concerts, festivals, (have a drink if you need to) and then shout out loud that reptilians are taking over, and tell people to look up shapeshifting videos on youtube/elsewhere.
Don't think of all people as "sheeple", some simply never had the required impulse in their lifes to develop interest in these topics. Human nature is curiosity. Generally people are very open for new ideas and interesting topics.

Never preach! If truth isn't given with love, both the information and the messanger will be rejected. Don't expect immediate results. Truth is an energetic seed, it's seed that first is planted before it grows. This takes some time for most people.

Simply inform people and then let things develop naturally.
They KNOW that we are waking up! This is why they are so desperate to start world war 3. As a giant distraction. They and their agenda must be radically opposed! Forget about your daily life dramas, none of it matters. What is your relationship or career good for if you lose your whole planet?

Cathy O'Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim

For Reasons of National Security

(Intro - Mark Phillips. Cathy O'Brien - 0:36:50)

The Granada Forum, October 31, 1996

On May 7, 1966 a 9 year old child named Cathy O'Brien was subjected to an occult ritual named "The Rite to Remain Silent". This is her own very shocking and eye-opening life story about her experience as a CIA MK-Ultra Whitehouse Pentagon level trauma-based Mind Control slave. She speaks out to expose those who abused, who go right up to presidents and congressmen and women and to give voice to the many mind control victims out there who can't think to speak out.

O'Brien claims to have been abused since she was a toddler by her own family. Forced to partake in satanic sadomasochistic child pornography movies produced for Gerald Ford, she was eventually sold to the CIA, which was looking for traumatized children for their mind-control program ... U.S. Presidents Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bill Clinton; Canadian Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney; Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid; Haitian dictator Baby Doc Duvalier; Panamanian President Manuel Noriega; and King Fahd of Saudi Arabia all sexually brutalized her. She recounts in graphic detail how the elder George Bush raped her thirteen year old daughter and how she was forced to have oral sex with Illuminati witch Hillary Clinton ... While being sodomized, whipped, bound and raped, O'Brien overheard the globalist elite planning a military coup in the United States and conspiring to usher in the satanic New World Order

The Q&A (question and answers) starts at 1:35:00

1:43:05 Michael Aquino / Linda Blood

1:45:10 ''Howcome the powers that be haven't killed either of you?''

Other videos on Mind Control:
Illuminati & Pre-9/11 Subliminals and Symbolism in Movies (Re-edit)

Britney Spears Illuminati Mind Control Victim

Bill Clinton under mind control

9/11 Subliminals: GCSE Exam Papers

RFID Mind Control

Cathy O'Brien (with full index)

MK Ultra Victim Brice Taylor Exposes Her Mind Control Handlers

This piece, one of my favorites, focuses on the self-proclaimed “mind-controlled sex slave” of the CIA, “Brice Taylor” (not her real name) but actually did not make it to broadcast. “Brice” is the author of one of the craziest books I have ever encountered,Thanks For The Memories: The Truth Has Set Me Free! The Memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s Mind-Controlled Slave in which she alleges being a victim of the CIA’s MK-ULTRA program, specifically something called “Project Monarch” which groomed “mind-controlled sex slaves” for rich and powerful people.

This was the SOLE piece, the only one out of all the shit I dropped in their lap for two years (“Uncle Goddamn,” Kembra Pfahler sewing her pussy shut, the extreme porn segment, etc, etc, etc) that the Channel Four lawyers docked from the show. They were amazingly lenient with me for nearly everything—I can’t believe what I got away with, looking back on it—but this one could not be salvaged because British libel laws are such that you can’t knowingly publish a false claim or untruth, and the law is pretty cut and dry on this.

But weren’t her claims of making mother/daughter dolphin porn directed by Sylvester Stallone a little too preposterous to be believed? The fact that no one would believe any of it didn’t really matter, as corporate lawyers, they very simply just could not let this story run. None of it. I was so happy with the way that it had turned out that this seemed like a bitter defeat at the time. Oh well, it’s now 12 years since the show was produced and anyone who wants to can see it on YouTube. Ultimately, I have no complaints.

So the backstory behind this is that I contacted “Brice” via email and told her about the British show and invited her to be on it. After an initially wary exchange, I suggested that we speak on the phone.

Her concern, she told me bluntly, was that I was going to make her look like a kook and I gave her my standard rap that I gave to every kook I wanted to get on camera: “Brice, if I have video rolling and you are saying kooky things, look, I’m a television producer, so I’m probably going to use that footage, yes, but if when the cameras are on, you’re true to yourself, you’re poised, you stay on message and you’re satisfied when I leave that you didn’t embarrass yourself, no, I’m not going to go out of my way to make you look like a nut. How would that work anyway unless YOU give me kooky footage? So just don’t act like a kook on camera, okay?”

AS IF, but that line of reasoning did seem to win her over a bit, although she still wasn’t convinced. I upped the ante: “Okay, what if we do the piece from YOUR point of view? In fact, aside from me asking you a question or two off-camera or something minor, the entire piece can be in YOUR voice—we can use the introduction to your book [Scroll to page 40] as the VO, it’s perfect, we’ll just mic you up and have you read it in a closet a couple of times—and you being interviewed on camera. You have my word that I will basically keep myself out of it. You’ll write the piece, how’s that?”

She was very definitely “in” after that and the very next day, the fearless cameraman and editor I worked with on the show, Nimrod Erez, second cameraman Brian Butler and I drove to a place in San Diego where she was staying (it was a gorgeous home in the hills that belonged to her therapist, who she also worked for doing some sort of New Age water/memory retrieval therapy thing that I didn’t really understand).

Upon our arrival, we were greeted by 6’4” retired FBI Special Director Ted Gunderson, a name well-known to fans of the most far-out variants of conspiracy theory. Gunderson, now deceased, but then about 75, was known for being an idiotic bigmouth who hounded the producers of shows like Geraldo! and A Current Affair for appearances. We were told that he was there to provide “security” for “the little lady” as he called her and he’d also invited himself to be on camera (something that she seemed to want, too) to bolster her bona fides. I was only too delighted to accommodate a blithering fucking idiot who would have a lower third identifying him as a former FBI bureau chief! This was a gift.

A few asides about Gunderson: One, he lived in Las Vegas (where he had a ham radio conspiracy theory show) and brought along three framed photographs on his long-ass drive to San Diego. One was him with Gerald and Betty Ford. Another was of him with Ronald Reagan. The third was a portrait of John Wayne, just a regular studio promo shot, not even signed to him or anything. Listen to him speak in the piece. He thought he sounded like John Wayne and he wanted me to somehow connect him to the actor in my mind. Maybe I’d even compare him to John Wayne, he told me.

The second thing was that it was OBVIOUS—and I mean OBVIOUS—that Ted thought he was going to get laid. He followed “Brice” around like a male dog sniffing around a female dog’s ass. When I wanted them both on camera at the same time, she balked and took me aside to admonish me not to “make it look like we’re a couple.” She wasn’t into him, but she wanted him there on camera to make her seem more credible… or something.

With a guy like Ted there to buck up your credibility, you ain’t got much to begin with! The best way to describe Gunderson is that he was like “Jethro Bodine” pretending to be a “double-naught spy” on The Beverly Hillbillies. At one point during his career he oversaw 700 plus officers of the FBI’s Southern California bureau, and yet frankly, he’s one of the stupidest people I’ve ever met. Whenever someone asks me how he got in such a position, I tell them, “He was big and he was pushy.” (I’d run into him a few more times over the years, including when I interviewed him about Satanic cults for another spot on the show. He was a comic foil for me twice in the series).

As the lights were getting set up, an anxious “Brice” asked me where the show would be seen and I told her what Channel Four was and I said “It’s network, not cable” and explained that there were fewer television stations in the UK than in America and this caused her to perk up. “You mean like they’ve only got four or five channels? And that’s what everyone basically watches? Do you think the Queen of England watches Channel Four?”

I was confused about where she was going with this and I demurred “Well, yeah, I’m pretty sure, of course, that she’s seen Channel Four, yes…”

“OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! TED! TED! He says the Queen of England might see this show. Maybe I can get a message to her about my son!”

She turned to me, obviously cycling maniacally at this point: “So you really think the Queen of England will see this???”

Not wanting to dampen her instantaneous enthusiasm for the task we about to embark on, I replied that if the Queen of England was up watching late night TV and flipping channels while the Duke of Edinburgh snoozed, then, yes, perhaps there was a certain mathematical possibility of that occurring… (!)

I don’t want to give too much away for anyone who hasn’t seen it, but we discussed beforehand that when I would feed her the question about the Queen, she would shift from speaking to me, to addressing the camera/Queen directly for some added dramatic oomph!

With the interview, the B-roll and the voice-over in the can, we decamped to Kinko’s to get color photocopies of her family photographs. Gunderson came with us, at one point comically showing off that he was packing heat to try to impress her, but by then it was obvious that she’d gotten what she wanted out of him (the drive from Las Vegas to San Diego is hardly trivial) and she started making “Well, I’ve got to be getting home now” noises to clue him in that we wasn’t getting any of that Project Monarch pussy anytime soon.

When the piece was first edited, I invited my pot delivery guy, a fat queeny dude (think “Cam” on Modern Family) to watch it. When it was over, he looked at me and said “You know you’re going to Hell, right?”

Perhaps he’s right, but at least I kept my word about letting this utterly demented woman tell her “own story.” Although the piece did not air on Channel Four as I’d hoped, when “Brice” got a VHS of the segment, she seemed thrilled and sent me a copy of her book inscribed with a thank you.

Over the years, when I’ve been invited to screen the Disinformation TV shows at museums and repertory cinemas, the most ridiculous question anyone has ever asked me about this piece—and it gets asked nearly every time!—is “How much of what she says do you think is true?”

Um…. how’s about none of it?

And now, without much further ado, take it away Brice Taylor, mind-controlled sex slave of the CIA…

MK Ultra Mind Control

This video shows different people (mostly celebrities, news reporters and politicians) who might have displayed signs and symptoms of MK Ultra mind control. A link to a video with NWO and Illuminati quotes found in cartoons and games:


This is the work of Dallasgoldbug AKA Ed Chiarini. He has been working hard to expose key people and key families in charge of this grand deception, staging major media events, in attempts to take away our civil liberties, manipulate us into wars with other countries, manipulate our minds, and shapes our everyday reality. Watch this video and share it. Here are some links you should check out as well and a link to download this video at a higher quality resolution. He will be putting out more videos that are higher quality in the very near future. Stay informed. check back often. Subscribe.

(this is the hi resolution video, better quality)

a larger body of his work can be seen on this youtube users account.

download most of his videos here:

Monday, September 15, 2014

Family Guy Seth Macfarlane Is An Evil Reptilian Alien

An evil plot to destroy the world - Enjoy!

Both Family Guy and American Dad are Reptilian/Grey Alien mind-programming with the sole purpose to psychologically, morally and spiritually corrupt you.

The celebration and promotion of stupidity, violence, portraying the criminal activities of the CIA as really cool, portraying the psychopathic grey aliens as hillarious, a dog having sex with women, a baby wanting to murder it's mother, promiscuity, beastiality, all forms of perversion, overall moronicness, domestic violence, obesity, alcohol abuse, all cloaked hidden inside happy family life and garnished with black magick occult revelations about future bomb attacks (boston bombings).
Did i forget something? But hey, if it comes out of the minds of spiritually degenerated psychopathic reptilian aliens that openly admit that watching it rotts your brain then it actually must be pretty funny, right? Or is it...?

Will The Reptilians Manipulate The Scottish Independence Referendum 2014?

A referendum on whether Scotland should be an independent country will take place on Thursday, 18 September 2014.

"They Live" Aliens Analyzed - Who are THEY? [Solved]

V - Visitors 

They Live is a 1988 American science fiction satirical film written and directed by John Carpenter. The film stars Roddy PiperKeith David, and Meg Foster. It follows a nameless drifter referred to as "Nada", who discovers the ruling classare in fact aliens concealing their appearance and manipulating people to spend money, breed and accept the status quo with subliminal messages in mass media.


Now back on days you never know what is fantasy or reality because never fantasy was what you think it is , We live in a matrix no matter what you say or got upset , it is , we are controlled by governments , not just them , someone stronger than them , our food , water, Television and the next goal will be the internet . People but is worst than that , every american has a Clone and it is real ..

Coast 2 Coast #PopStars Mixtape Vol.1

 Click here , See Victor Victory song 'I Want you" in a Mixtape at Coast 2 Coast #PopStars Track 40
Victor Victory Track 40 the song 'I Want You"
Victory Going Forward as new artist , He is part in a mixtape at coast 2 coast #PopStars Vol. 1 Track 40 ,Online , yes he is ,check all about V in social media facebook AkaHotShot and his Radio Victor Victory , Plus his last video Live at Nuyorican 'My Sweet Victory'..

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Tips to Wake up

IT'S 3 way to get away of the misery of life you living ..

1- Think about yourself
2- Forget about what your neighbor is doing
3- START to think what governments is doing with the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK ( Cause you money is there
( \' :')
(,('')('')Fact 'Be Love" But Not with Those Bad Vampires ,Sucking human energy Blood, Reptilians killing Humanity ...

End of United State of America

Time to stand up with your feet , End of Freedom

New Artist Victor Victory and his patriotic song 'My Sweet Victory'

One of the song from Victor Victory new Album,as new Artist "Pop My world'

My Sweet Victory

Art: Trinity Di Mossel
Music: H&R Rock
Lyrics : Victor Victory

My heart
My life
My courage
 My blood
My sweet victory

Go down the battle shock ,
Shafts are laid down on sinking sand ,
Not in abiding rock ,
The blood has turned rust ,
Forward in the battle,
I heard calls for freedom,
I heard lofty pure ,
The glory to the victory.

Sweet victory
My sweet
Oh my life
 Yeh my blood
Ah my courage
My sweet victory

I'm real awake ,
In the battlefield
Just a man with courage,
Without looking back,I
It's the last breaths,
In the field,
I have in my hand,
The sweet victory.

Sweet victory
My sweet victory...
Oh my life
Yeh my blood
Ah my courage
My sweet victory ..

Comments From Victor Aka (Hotshot ): ' I was Just looking for something new and different ,so I called my all time collaborator and musician H&R Rock looking for a beat for this song, so he made it . I wrote 'My Sweet Victory' Because I was thinking on the Patriotic Act 1776 'Independence of USA' so for me , I was part of that act and I did reincarnate again in this body to be part of Freedom one more time , keep fighting the right to be free ,keep on fire 1776,give knowledge to the people and go forward to the second United State of America Revolution 'Will Be not Televised".

"You People need to start to realize the Power you already have , governments afraid of that power , that's because they have control on you , at all level , time to wake up that Lion and do not make it sleep no more.. 'Power to The People '." Victor Victory Aka(Hotshot)

Radio Station In

Victor Victory performing 'My Sweet Victory' at A Star In A Making Concert live at Nuyorican Poets Cafe.

(Personal Thanks to my Fan "Trinity Di Mossel " For The amazing art , Love You♥♥♥)
Victory  'My Sweet Victory." (Live at Nuyorican ) New York City USA